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Saturday 13 April 2013

New Blogger HTML Editor And Top New Features

New Blogger HTML Editor

Just found which I have heard from the ProBloggers in their Blogs, that Blogger Team working very hard on the betterment for Blogspot display place. So I am going to share with you a great news that Google has just introduce New Blogger Template HTML Editor with great features. Before you have a simple Template HTML Editor, but now Blogger has added such useful tools there for making it more users friendly. 


Usage of New Blogger HTML Template Editor

There is nothing to take tension for its using its very simple. I will try to guide my visitors every part of new Blogger HTML Template Editor. You can easily use it> Go to Blogger Dashboard > Template > Edit in HTML > 
Backup Your Blogger Template first before any editing 

New Blogger HTML Editor

Jump to widget Button

Blogger Jump to Widget

You can simply jump to any widget without wasting your time for search and then simply edit it as per your requirement. It will show you complete gadgets which are installed in your Blog as well as Blogger Builin Gadget such as Blog1 or Navebar. 

Preview Template

Before whenever you edit anything HTML you have and you asking for preview it was shown in a new window, but now it has been upgraded with new awesome feature, which can show preview in below there it means you don’t have to go in new window. 

Format Template

In previous version of HTML there was a check box for Expand Widget Template but now it has been replace with Format Template option. So now if you find for Check Box on Expand Widget Template in any tutorial then you have to click on “Format Template” 

Line Number for Finding any Error

Before if we edit any thing in HTML and if we have mistake anywhere its shows that we have not closed any code or something else in the line No. but in new interface we don’t have to worry about that I have introduce line number for getting exact location of error. 

Expand Hide Code Section

It has also introduced another facility for hide and expanding codes of difference section. It means if you are working in HTML you can hide contents which are not in use.
New Features
  1. Is a new feature in blogger that highlight the style, ID, class, tags etc with different color which is not available in old template HTML editor. So you can easily apprehend the different tags and more.
  2. Line Numbering : It's another feature that add numbers to the each lines. Its pretty new feature to help where is error. You might have seen many times error while editing template like error in 4384 line. In old editor its difficult to find line which error happens in codding, so now its easy to find.
  3. Auto-Indentation : This is new option allow you to clean up the indentation of template automatically by clicking Format template button.
  4. Code Folding : You can see black right arrow on the left line numbering panel on the HTML editor. Which fold all code under a widget (it's block of  inside code of a widget). So while editing the inner code of a widget in HTML editor you should unfold or expand it. Its cool pretty.


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